Thursday, January 7, 2016

Happy New Year 2016

It's been some time since my last post.

I've been busy with other projects.

One of those projects is learning to make my photo art better.

I learned a new technique called lens painting.

Here's some of the pieces I created:
A photo posted by A New Life Oasis Photography (@anewlifeoasisphoto) on

You can click through to Instagram to see what's there. I've posted all the scripture images for Trinity Digital Ministry.

The story behind the lens painting goes like this:

I joined The Arcanum just a little over a year ago. It's been quite an adventure and journey. I was hand picked by +Craig Colvin. He promptly invited me to join the Google Community he created for his cohort of apprentices. I have been following many photographers for a while. I was checking out their technique and art. I came across a photographer who posted about her art. One day she  posted about a new technique she discovered and posted a video she made on how to do it. She then challenged the viewers to create their own lens painting art. Her name is +Janice Sullivan. The art pieces posted above are inspired by her teaching the technique. She calls the technique she taught "macro lens painting". I've went outside of the macro and also used non macro shots to create part of my art.
I've struggled to meet my goals of art creation. I won't go into details of why because I'm not a complainer. Suffice it to say struggles ensue.

Earlier this week I was met with the challenge of creating my goals for the year. I was drawing a blank. I sought advice and suggestions from the cohort of apprentices. They gave some great suggestions. Then this morning in my reading I came across some great advice for goals. Instead of straight up goals to mini-rules to meet goals. So, I created a list of 5 rules that include bits of goals. I find it easier to follow. These 5 rules are very basic that lead up to action in meeting the goals.

My rules are these:

  1. Make art - Pick up my camera and snap some shots with an idea in mind of what I want to do with the shots.
  2. Write - In the evening when it's quiet open my text editor and start writing. Write of my daily experiences that will turn into a story.
  3. Read - In the morning, read daily scripture and devotion. Sometime during the day, pick up a book and read at least a chapter.
  4. Eat healthy - At breakfast, eat something healthy, [ex. egg and cheese with some fruit.] At lunch, eat a sandwich with healthy ingredients. At dinner, eat a salad loaded with healthy choices. Drink tea or water throughout the day.
  5. Physical activity - Here I struggle big time because of my physical issues. I do my best to move around and not just sit. I stretch every chance I get. It's difficult to do, but, I go up and down the stairs at least three times a day to keep my legs/joints moving.
Now, it's your turn. How about you? Please leave me a comment with a link to your blog and art. I'd love to visit.

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